Talentframe makes delivering engaging candidate experiences easy. Our candidate dashboard makes it easy for candidates to know where they are in the the process and who they are meeting with next.
Sourcing is a tedious process. We’ll help you streamline it. Our Chrome extension will sync your candidates from LinkedIn to Talentframe at the click of a button.
Create a tighter feedback loop with your hiring manager. Send candidates directly to your hiring manager for approval.
Keep sourcing on LinkedIn
Instant Syncs
Faster Decisions
Turn LinkedIn profiles into candidates, fast. Once your hiring manager approves your candidates, you can schedule your first interview directly from their profile
Hiring Manager Approval
Interview Scheduling
Start your candidate relationship off on the right foot with TalentLink.
TalentLinks are generated for each candidate with the most relevant information. No extra effort required.
Auto Generated Links
All the Information candidates need
Seemless Scheduling
Nurture your candidate relationships with the Candidate Dashboard.
The Candidate Dashboard is a powerful tool for your candidates. It is a one-stop shop for all the information they need to make the right decision.
Meet the hiring manager from Day zero
Even More Information
Process Overview
The all-in-one recruiting toolkit built for businesses of all sizes.
Get Started